


Below is some asked question provided you more information about Buono, plant-based and frozen kinds of stuff.
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1) What is a plant-based diet?
Eating a plant-based diet means that you fill your plate entirely or mostly with plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. Plant-based diets also limit the intake of processed foods such as refined sugars, flours, and additives. There’s more than one way to go plant-based:

  • Flexitarian or semi-vegetarian. This diet includes dairy, eggs, and small amounts of meat, fish, poultry, and seafood. 
  • Pescatarian. This diet includes dairy, eggs, fish, and seafood, but no meat or poultry. 
  • Vegetarian (also known as lacto-ovo vegetarian) includes dairy, eggs, but no meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. 
  • Vegan diet excludes all animal foods.  

2) Is there a difference between a plant-based and vegan diet?
People following a vegan diet avoid all animal products, such as meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs. Plant-based eaters avoid animal products in addition to processed or refined foods, such as oils, refined flours, and sugar. A plant-based diet consists of unprocessed or minimally processed vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

3) Why should I consider a plant-based diet?
Studies suggest that plant-based diets offer many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In addition, vegetarians and vegans overall have lower body weights than meat-eaters because of the high-fiber, low-sugar nature of their diets. Finally, plant-based diets have a lower environmental impact due to reduced energy, water, and land consumption.

4) Is a plant-based diet adequate for all ages?
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegetarian and vegan diets are suitable for all ages.  With proper planning and a diversity of foods, everyone from newborns to the elderly can reap health advantages by following a plant-based or vegetarian diet. In fact, children who follow plant-based diets may have a reduced risk of developing allergies, digestive issues, obesity, and heart disease. Younger children require more fat than adults, so their diets should include healthy fats like avocados and nuts. 

5) Is it difficult to get enough protein on a plant-based diet?
It’s not hard to meet your daily protein needs on a vegetarian or vegan diet. There are dozens of tasty plant-based protein sources that also provide other valuable nutrients.  For example, a half-cup of beans packs as much protein as 1 ounce of chicken. Other great plant-based protein sources include nuts, seeds, soy products (like tofu, edamame, and soy milk), whole grains, and even vegetables. It’s not difficult to include healthy protein at every meal, vegan, vegetarian, or not. 

6) On a dairy-free diet, where will I get calcium?
Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone health and metabolic functioning. However, it’s easy to fill your daily calcium needs on a dairy-free or plant-based diet. High calcium plant foods include leafy greens, soy products like tofu and edamame, and legumes.  

7) Are there plant-based sources of omega healthy fats?Omega-3 and omega-6 are two essential fatty acids, which means you need to consume them for optimal heart and brain functioning. Plant sources of these healthy fats include walnuts, flax, chia seeds, and leafy greens. The other omega fat, omega-9, is actually an inflammatory factor that can promote illnesses like heart disease. Animal protein and processed foods that contain oils are high in omega-9 fatty acids, so a plant-based diet actually is the healthiest way to eat omega fatty acids. 

8) What about vitamin B12?
Our bodies need vitamin B12 for nerve health and red blood cell and DNA production. Animal protein offers B12, while plant foods do not provide an adequate amount of the vitamin. A diet low in B12 can cause fatigue, irritability, and weakness. To ensure that you fulfill your B12 needs on a plant-based diet, add a 2500 mcg B12 supplement to your daily routine. Check with your healthcare provider before adding any supplements to your diet.

9) How do I get iron? Will I become anemic?
According to the American Nutrition and Dietetic association, iron deficiency is rare for plant-based eaters. Iron is an essential mineral that carries oxygen in the blood. There are two types of iron: blood-based (heme iron) from animal foods and plant-based (non-heme) iron. While blood-based iron can build up the body, your body can flush out excess plant-based iron, making it safer to consume. In addition, plant-based foods come with additional essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, which is known to enhance iron absorption. Plant sources of iron include kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, spinach, raisins, cashews, oatmeal, cabbage, and tomato juice.

10) Does eating plant-based require a lot of planning and preparation?
Eating plant-based doesn’t have to be complicated. By choosing whole, fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, you can make easy and delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts that fuel you and keep you healthy. Add as much creativity and time as you like, or keep things simple by roasting, boiling, sauteing, and steaming your favorite plant foods for nutritious meals that keep you satisfied.

11) Can I get full by eating only plants?
Yes! Plants are incredibly satiating. They're packed with fiber and protein to keep you full and satisfied. Less processed foods also contain more nutrients, so your body won’t have to constantly cue you to eat more to meet your daily nutritional goals. 

12)  Is a plant-based diet boring and bland?
On the contrary! Plant-based diets offer a hugely diverse range of flavor, texture, and eating experience. There are endless possibilities when it comes to preparing plant-based meals, and plenty of room for creativity. You can use all of the species, seasonings, and healthy oils that you like for enhanced flavor.

1) Are frozen foods healthy? 
Frozen foods like our ready-to-eat meals are a convenient way to enjoy all of the nutrients you need in a day. Our products are packed with fruits and vegetables flash-frozen at their peak ripeness, which means peak nutritional value. These dishes make it easier and more affordable to fill your plate with healthy veggies. 
     *Benefits of Frozen Meals*
We harvest fruits and vegetables at their peak ripeness, which means peak nutritional value. We then freeze them within hours of harvest to maintain flavor and nutrition until they reach your plate. 
     *Choosing Wisely*
Not all frozen foods are created equally, so it’s important to check the label. Some frozen meals are highly processed and loaded with saturated fat, sugar, and sodium.
     *Keep It Safe*
Always follow cooking instructions on the package to safely thaw and heat frozen meals.

2) What about nutritional value in frozen food?
In some cases, frozen foods offer more vitamins and minerals than fresh produce. Our fruits and vegetables are harvested at peak nutritional value and immediately frozen to lock in nutrients. On the other hand, when you purchase produce from the grocery store, it’s impossible to tell how long since the item was harvested. Vitamins and minerals degrade over time, so the longer it’s been since harvest, the less nutritionally-dense your produce will be. With frozen meals, you can be assured that every bite contains just as much nutritional value as it did the day it was picked.

3) Is fresh food healthier than frozen food?
Fresh food is not always healthier than frozen food. For example, we harvest fruits and vegetables at their peak nutritional value and immediately freeze them to lock in nutrients. However, produce from the grocery store may have been harvested days ago. Vitamins and minerals degrade over time, so the longer it’s been since harvest, the less nutritionally-dense your produce is. With frozen meals, you can be assured that every bite contains just as mucha much nutritional value as it did the day it was picked.

4) Is all frozen food is high in sodium? 
Not all frozen foods contain a lot of sodium. Always check the nutrition label on the package to ensure there isn’t hidden sodium and other ingredients like additives, oils, and refined sugars.

5) Is it possible to refreeze previously frozen foods? 
Depending on the product, it is possible to refreeze previously frozen foods after thawing. Animal products, such as meat and poultry, should not be refrozen for food safety reasons. However, plant products like grains, vegetables, and fruits, can easily be refrozen for later.